1/18/2025: Book Review - "We Are The Weather" by Jonathan Safran Foer

My Rating: 2.5

I've been thinking of doing more book reviews to help me remember what I have read at a later date, and to reflect later on about how I felt right after finishing a book. To see how my feelings change over time. So, I wanted to start off the year with a review of "We Are The Weather" by Jonathan Safran Foer.

I was suggested this book by members of a sustainability server I am apart of. Recently, I have been thinking about switching over to a fully plant based diet, and was recommended this book to help me with that decision. It's pitch being that "We", as a collective, need to eat significantly less animal products to help prevent our world from dying. (My words not the authors).

If you just want the short and sweet I believe that the message itself is essential, but the delivery was not it. Giving my whole opinion, I think that the first 2 Parts of the book were good. Presenting the issue like a mystery to keep you engaged while also getting you invested through interconnecting stories. Then when he does the big reveal "EAT LESS ANIMALS OR WE DIE" (Again, my words not his) we get a simple section full of important facts and statistics to convince the reader that animal agriculture and subsequent eating of the animals is terrible for our planet and ourselves. Good, great, fantastic, I'm on board. However, the latter parts just drone on over the same points presented in Part 1 over and over. The interconnected stories are no longer interesting/inspiring, they are just filler in the way of giving a good guide.

A portion of the book talks about how an emotional response is the best way to make someone take action. With that I believe that most of what he is writing is to illicit that response, hopwever, instead of firing me up.. it's kind of just boring me. He had me, and my emotions, but then lost me. Luckily, I still chose to change my lifestyle and am switching over to a Plant-Based Diet. It will be a gradual shift, but it is something I do find important. So, in the end Mr. Foer wins as I AM switching to eating way less meat, but I was already on the path to making that conclusion. If he is trying to convince someone like my husband, a devout steak lover, he would have lost him before the first half was over.

Like I said before I do think the message of the book is extremely important, and am making those changes myself. But if we are going to change others we need to change our delivery that keeps that emoitonal response without overdoing it. I will be picking up his other book "Eating Animals" later on this year, as I do think his research is well done. This book was just not the one to give me said info.

12/28/2024: Intentions and Goals for 2025

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Hello There,

It's been a while since I have written to you. I hope you are doing well and that the Holidays have treated you well. We are still celebrating Christmas in our home until January. However, I wanted to write about some of my intentions and goals for the coming year, so maybe the internet can keep me accountable (lol). First, I wanted to explain why it is Intentions and Goals and not just "My New Year's Resolutions", mainly because Resolutions never work for me. Intentions I can keep reminding myself of, and concrete goals are easier to visualize and make steps toward. So that is why I am picking intentions and goals.

  • Focusing on my Heirarchy of Needs
  • Building stronger relationships (familial and friends)
  • Quitting Soda
  • Paying off my Credit Card Debt
  • Quitting my Brith Control (and not imploding)

I have chosen to have only a few Goals and Intentions to not overwhelm myself. For Intentions, I have put focusing on my needs and building stronger relationships. For the "heirarchy of needs" I am trying to follow Maslow's Pyramid to slowly build a better life for myself. Of course, I do not expect perfection, I just want to do better for myself. If you are unfamiliar with Maslow's I will link information Here, but the basic premise is I am going to be working from the base up to help better my life. The first being the "Physiological Needs"; things like keeping myself fed and hydrated, keeping a clean environment, and my biggest one, getting good sleep. Slowly working on these needs until I feel comfortable to move on to the next layer on the pyramid.

For building my relationships I am going to try and reach out more and not wait for others to reach out to me. Currently, I am collecting all my friends birthdays so I can make sure and do something for them on the day. Also remembering important days for them like a death anniversary that they may need more support on.

My goals are much more straight forward, and easy to explain. I want to Quit my Dr. Pepper addiction (yes addiction) because it is physically causing me issues. Increasing anxiety, destroying my already weak teeth, and causing sleep issues. For me it's not about the Caffeine it's about the entire soda. Then Paying off my Credit Card Debt is self explainatory; I got debt from stupid purchases and I wanna get debt free. Finally, the "Getting off brith control" isn't for kids or anything, but to see how my health will be affected after quitting it. My family has a history of hormone issues, and with my fatigue problems this year I am just trying some things out to see what is best for myself. I am terrified that my acne will return with a vengeance though, because I had the painful cystic kind. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen, but I really wanna see if my health increases or not.

So, I may update on my progress once every quarter to keep myself accountable. Nothing too detailed, just keeping regular updates. If you have any goals or intentions for the new year I would love to hear them! You can drop them in the comment box or email me at nerdymug@gmail.com .

Peace and Love, Nerdymug
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10/15/2024: Astrophotography - C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS

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Used my Canon Rebel T7 with 15 sec shots, F8, and used light room to color correct. My first real astrophotography shoot so I have some improvements to make. Need to work on focusing and other settings. Just the beginning!


Peace and Love, NerdyMug

10/1/2024: Book Thoughts - Carmilla

On this first day of October I decided to pick up a highly anticipated Spooky Season read, Carmilla.This classic has been on my radar for many years, but I finally made it a priority this year. At only 129 pages (my edition) I was able to finish it in one evening.

spooky spooky

**Spoilers Ahead** The first half of the book was as described by every vampire hungry, sapphic, online. The sexual tension between Laura and Carmilla was palpable and the feelings Laura describes, the deep longing and simultaneous repulsion to these advancements, felt very true to a burgeoning lesbian awakening of someone deeply rooted in Faith. Though I am sure this was not Le Faun's intention, his narrative has shifted in this modern day to truly resonate with queer women. The romantic prose from Carmilla are dripping with sensuality and the warm kisses they share seem scandalous for a novel of it's time. It morphing into this toxic relationship/ spider's trap was cut short for me with the last two-thirds of the book with the introduction of "The General".

The General to me is just a character made for expostion. He tells his story of his late adopted daughter with the story basically mirroring that of our lead character. Chapter after chapter he speaks aloud how his own daughter became sick with the introduction of the new guest Mircalla. (Huh I wonder what happens if you switch those letters around.. OMG it's also spells CARMILLA.). All the story leading to his ward's enevitable death.

The ending for the book fell rather flat as there is really no emotional reaction from Laura concerning the "revelation" that her kinda-girlfriend is a vampire trying to kill her. More so that there is no emotion when it comes to watching someone she shared months of deep connection with get Staked, Beheaded, and Burned all in front of her. I have to say even if my really hot girlfriend was trying to murder me, I would still feel some kind of pain watching her get murdered infront of me.

In the end I do think this is a valuable piece of Horror history. The Vampire novel that started the fire of our own undead obsession. Written with amazing descriptions of the beautiful countryside, and portraying those confused feelings in a tortured young woman who doesn't know what those feelings mean for her. I will be giving this a loving skim come next Halloween, and marveling at how an adult Irishman, in the 1800's, created the most loved lesbian vampire lovers in history.

9/22/2024: Dealing with Chronic Fatigue


Earlier this year I developed Chronic Fatigue after three weeks of constant migraines, and after I felt a weight hit my body. At 26 I thought I would be feeling great, but right now it's been slow going. It's strange that I can physically feel the metaphorical wall I am hitting. My whole body is apprehensive to move as if telling me to hunker down in safety. Of course I have been to my Doctor and am working on trying to find something to help, but for now sleep and I have a love/hate relationship. Lately it has been a bit harder physically so I have had to learn how to pace myself yet keep myself happy.

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Sadly, I had to miss a Texas Master Naturalist field trip due to my exhaustion. However, I think it is important to fill that time with something that brings joy and not dwell on what I can't do. I made a Star Trek series tracking list of all the shows and movie, so that I can go through and watch all of Star Trek Universe. A big help from the video done by Jessie Gender on Youtube. Her video helped me plan out my watch list and gave me a little taste of what each series and movie had to offer.


During my low energy times I do my best to work on my low effort/high creativity hobbies. I journal a whole lot more and get to use my favorite washi tapes and stickers. Sometimes I am unable to write as my hand just doesn't wanna on those low energy days. Sometimes I push through and write slowly, but other times my journal page becomes more of a scrap book piece. I am also working on a cross stich project for the very first time! It is apart of my "Suck at Something September" (which I will talk more about in a later post). I haven't gotten very far, but I'll make sure to show what I am working on.


Sometimes 'high creativity' doesn't work out due to the brain fog. So the cross stitch also helps as I just follow the pattern while listening to a comfort movie. I put on a show or movie that I have watched a thousand times so I don't feel like I am missing out on story (or so I don't forget the plot of new movies when my brain is running on low battery). Doing something, just anything, makes me feel better than doing nothing. Even if it is small and slow going it keeps me feeling joyful in everyday life.

Peace and love, Nerdymug kirbyflying

9/16/2024: Texas Master Naturalist Photo Diary

milk snek bearded dragon red earred slider

This past weekend I did another training session for the Texas Master Naturalist program. We worked on Herpetology during this session and I got to handle many cute lizards and snakes. (I did not handle the turtle cause he looked upset to be there.) From right to left we have the Milk Snake, Bearded Dragon, and Red Earred Slider. In the south snakes are a big part of the fauna and I personally have a goal of learning more about venomous vs non venoumous species. The Milk Snake I am holding looks similar to the Coral Snake which everyone knows from the "red touches yellow' kills a fellow", but this Milk Snake is safe and has no venom. They were named the Milk Snake because they were often seen near cattle barns and people thought they drank milk. (Obviously they were near barns for the pest control, but you know how it is.)

Peace and love, Nerdymug


9/8/2024: Saying Goodbye to Summer

The last two days here in my part of TX have had beautiful temperatures and cool breezes. The leaves are starting to lose their deep hues and lightening to a pale yellow green. Truly, fall is upon us and it makes me think about the wonderful summer I got to experience.


This summer my husband was working at Martin Creek Lake State Park here in the East Texas Area. Working as a "Park Interpreter" which focused on programs and outreach. I got to spend many days helping with programs and being apart of the action. Being a former education major helps when it comes to children's programs. Many weekend lunches were spent my the lake there, basking in the sunshine and chowing down on pb&j sandwhiches.

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Obviously, my favorite programs to be apart of were the astronomy programs. Stargazing in this park was incredible compared to where I live (city with lots of light pollution). I would say that this park is about a 4 on the Bortle Scale which let us have some great viewings of different objects. The very last one we had I was able to see Saturns rings, M13, and the binary star system Alberio. Which I find impressive to see with my beginner scope.

Like I had said in my "Fall 2024 Bucket List" post, I really want to get my first Milky Way picture this Fall. This summer was acutally the first time I got to talk to other amatuer astronomers and astrophotographers; who were able to help me immensely in my starter kit. All I need now is a good tripod, and a clear, no moon, night.

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pink dragonfly treefrog

My husband is also working on his own photography skills to add to his Parks and Wildlife Resume. Above are some of the nature photos he took while he was working this summer. I just wanted to show them off because not only am I proud, but also it's a cute pink dragonfly and a treefrog. I will have to ask him what exact names they have.

summer Me

I'm definitely sad to see this wonderful summer is over. There is so much more I didn't get to mention (as it would make this post waaaay too long) that made this summer so heart fulfilling. There is so much awe and majesty walking through the trails and forests, especially when you are alone on a dewy morning. That feeling of being so small in such a big world, and yet feeling so connected to all of it. I loved touching the tree bark and leaves and feeling the ground underneath me. Growing up I had so much of it, and I took it for granted. Now, living in a city with nothing but concrete, I finally realize how much we need that feeling of awe with nature. It's apart of why I started training to become a Texas Master Naturalist. I want to be apart of something bigger in preserving that beauty. Not only for me but for so many who need to feel that they are surrounded by awesome wonders.

I hope you too are able to go out and feel the breeze on your skin. To listen to leaves rustling and the birds chirping, and maybe even begin to learn those calls. Which birds come in and out every season, and what friends will be calling out to you today?

Peace and love, Nerdymug small dandelion

9/4/2024: Fall 2024 Bucket List

Howdy everyone!

lil pumpkin

Here in the US, fall is right around the corner. I live in Texas so I really don't get "Fall" till mid November at best. However, Fall time is one of my favorites due to the cozy atmostphere and the amount of reading and crocheting I get to do! And to get myself into this transition of Summer -> Fall I made myself a Fall Bucket List.

fall bucket list 2024

Some things I am really excited for is taking my first Milky Way long exposure photo. I have been a big Astronomy lover for a long time and finally joined a local Astronomy Group two months back. One of the guys there gave me tips on how to start and I searched online for a second hand DSLR Camera and Wide Angle lens (Mercari was my friend for this one). And now I just need to take an evening when the night is clear and go out to the darkest sky spot in my area.

After, that I am really excited for a Soup Party with my friends. All of friends live about 2 hours away from me so we have to plan when I can come out top see them. A Soup Party is just the thing to get us all together. I have a friend who started going vegetarian so I also get to try my hand at perfecting my favorite Vegetarian soup "White Bean Pasta Fagioli"; which is a hearty bean soup. I add a bit for pasta than it states cause if not I feel it is TOO beany.

I love making these bucket lists becuase I have been making them since I was 13-14 yo. It helps me separate the seasons and gives me something to look forward to all year round; as well as it gives me goals to strive for. Some easy things, and some I need to plan and put in extra effort. I'm in my mid 20's now, so I don't get school breaks, but something like this keep me hyped for each chapter I am in. I highly suggest making one if you are feeling life is all the same.

I'll definitely be blogging about most of these and make sure to link back and get to "crossoff" the actions from my list. Here's to our slowly approching cozy weather!

Peace and Love, NerdyMug

9/3/2024: Launching the Blog

Today is the launch of the blog, HURRAY! This is day 3 of my coding journey and it has been such a fun time. Definitely, challenging though as I stayed up till 2am last night trying to figure out how to fix my images from moving when I resize my page any. Luckily I have a mutual [Ginny Gravity] who gave me great advice and it worked out perfectly! With that out of the way I was fully able to move on to my next goal for the site. That being the Blog you are reading Right Now!

Besides that I have a goal list to get this entire stie fully up and running. You may have noticed that certain areas of the site are little... primative. Especiialy the Bookshelf tab. Still mostly html with no CSS outside of the site container. After I get this blog page up and running I will be working on the "Bookshelf" next. I would like to make it look a little bit like the Apple Books where the books are on shelves and you can see the covers. However, that may be a bit outside my skillset at the moment. Just something for the future I guess. After Bookshelf I will be working hard on the hobbies tab which will acutally be it's own little navigation area. I'll wait and let you see what I mean.

OH! I also need to put in a guest book! I would like to have it just open on my home page where you can just add comments. Don't want to have a whole other page as it feels harder to find. I'll have to look around for inspo. If you have any ideas comment on my neocities profile!

Peace and Love, NerdyMug

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